
  • Capitol Hill Dawn•

    This painting shows a lovely late-spring morning when Burrard Inlet is calm – see, there’s only one freighter waiting to load – and the commuters haven’t started bustling yet. There’s a green and yellow shade to the water from reflected sunlight and new growth. I wanted to focus more that special luminescent morning light that the early riser Vancouverites are privileged to behold.

    My favourite time is that calm period just after the sun rises. There’s a stillness in the early morning and the optimism of a new day that still full of potential. Or maybe I’ve become misanthropic as I’ve gotten older, so I like the world best when there are fewer people awake in it.


    Acrylic on canvas, 48″ x 60″
    Fall, 2011
    Located at: Private Collection

    NOTE: Inquire re. availability at Denise Bezanson Art