
  • Dido Babiak•

    Dido, or “дідусь” is Ukrainian for “Grandfather”, which was the name this fellow was most frequently called. He even had personalized license plates with the name.

    The idea for this caricature-portrait came after a discussion about how men of a certain age don’t like to exercise for the sake of exercise, even though they should. These are men from a generation who spent their lives doing what they should.

    But Dido enjoyed walking the dog and that was his exercise. He would ride his wife’s bike — a blue girl’s bike with a big wicker basket — on the sidewalk while the dog ran alongside. No leash. Dido always had a smoke and often refused to wear lace-up shoes or shirts.

    The white cap was ubiquitous. The sunflowers represent where he came from.

    Вічна пам’ять, дідусь і Тобі


    Acrylic on canvas, 14″ x 14″
    Spring, 2014
    Located at: Private Collection.