Posted by Laura | April 18, 2015
Vanorama Autumn•
Autumn sunsets are closer to the horizon and seem to bathe everything in gold.
Autumn sunsets are closer to the horizon and seem to bathe everything in gold.
Quintessential Vancouver: Oz-like green radiant city at sunset against the jagged mountain backdrop.
Vancouver is one of those cities that becomes like Oz when you see the setting sun reflecting off the buildings.
The cranes are the most lifelike elements in this painting. Cranes are a motif for hard work and manual labour.
There are days when Vancouver is not all gray: some days, like late summer, it can be perfectly golden.
Granville Island is colorful against the buildings of downtown Vancouver.
Science World is a favorite school field trip. There’s a lot of jumpy movement in the painting, kind of like hyped-up kids on sugar.
This is Granville Island on a bright fall morning against a backdrop of tall and willowy downtown buildings.
Edge of Granville Island as seen when walking across the Granville Street Bridge.
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